Supporting Small Business in Guatemala

To provide economic development to the municipality of Chichicastenango and stimulus to multiple aspiring entrepreneurs and their families, we have decided to expand the EDUCATION half of our nonprofit organization by supporting small business in Guatemala. We will help entrepreneurs develop a business plan, create a budget, and plan how to market the product or service they offer.
During our recent trip to Guatemala we met with six individuals that were hand-selected to participate in our new program. They shared their ideas and goals with our Board and explained some of the challenges they face.
It was exciting to see and hear their ideas. The room felt like a cross between Shark Tank Guatemala-style and Business 101 at a community college. NOTE: I say “Shark Tank” but our new entrepreneurs are not giving up shares or ownership in their businesses… (read on!)
The Trainers

Guatemala Service Projects founder, Jennifer Demar, has been self-employed since 1997. She was responsible for the incorporation of the nonprofit and has also helped start three other small businesses.

Diego Xirum, Project Manager for Guatemala Service Projects, has university background in both Accounting and Business Administration.
Together, with input from the Board of Guatemala Service Projects, Jennifer and Diego create plans to help these businesses succeed.
Would you like to Support a Small Business in Guatemala and help lift an entire community?
What is the entrepreneurship program and how are the candidates chosen?
How are the entrepreneurs held accountable and how is their progress tracked?
Does the beneficiary need the entire amount requested in order to get started?
Where can I find out about the progress of each candidate and especially the one I support with my donation?
All six of the participants in our first round of economic development have identified needs that can be satisfied with an investment between $533 and $800. They represent pandemic-resistant industries: food, clothing and traditional weaving/handicrafts.
It is not necessary for one person to sponsor the total cost of one business plan. It can be shared by multiple donors. Visit our economic development page for the answers to the questions above and then MEET THE ENTREPRENEURS: Natalia, Olga, Abigail, Elena, Ernesto and Micaela!
Help us lift up the communities surrounding Chichicastenango by supporting small business in Guatemala!