First Reading Contest in Canton Rio Camanibal

This year we decided to budget a small amount of funds to arrange for the purchase of prizes to be awarded to the elementary school children in Canton Rio Camanibal. This school was the recipient of the library we donated for our inaugural project in 2017.
Because we could not be there personally, we sent funds to the administration so that they could purchase the prizes. I love this photo of Assistant Director Manuel presenting the received funds to Director Sebastiana with the other teachers clapping next to them. They were so happy to realize this contest and provide additional incentive for the children to take advantage of their new library!
They are going to run this contest for five months, beginning with the start of their school year (January) through May. At the end of each month, one student from each grade will be awarded a prize. Look at the kids working hard!
When our team travels in August, we will visit this school and deliver gifts (chalkboards and file cabinets) to benefit the whole school as a means of congratulating all the readers and teachers that support them.
Recently, I received an update from Manuel showing the winners of the January portion of the contest, the emphasis of which was reading comprehension. Manuel shared with me that they made quite the production out of awarding January’s prizes so that it might motivate other students to try harder in February!
The video is in Spanish, but it is brief and it conveys to the students that they have completed the first part of the reading contest, reading comprehension, and that the prizes being awarded were donated by Guatemala Service Projects: Jennifer Demar and her group.